Our Upcoming Races 

St. Joseph Marathon and Half - 09/28/2024

Little Apple Marathon & Half Marathon - 10/05/2024

Kansas City Marathon - 10/19/2024

Spooky Sprint Half Marathon - 10/26/2024

Salina Crossroads Marathon and Half - 11/02/2024

Kansas Half Marathon - 11/03/2024

Gobbler Grind Marathon - 11/24/2024

Words to run by

Aerodynamically the bumble bee shouldn't be able to fly but the bumble bee doesn't know that so he keeps flying.

Meet your Pacers for
Salina Crossroads Marathon and Half

Half Marathon Pacers: 1:45 1:53 2:00 2:08 2:15 2:20 2:23 2:30 2:35 2:38 2:45 2:50 2:53 3:00 3:10

Full Marathon Pacers: 3:30 3:45 4:00 4:15 4:30 4:45 5:00 5:15 5:30 5:45 6:00

Half Marathon SmartPace Teams

1:45 SmartPace Teams

Keevan S. - 1:45 pacer

Keevan has been running for as long as he can remember. After running competitively in high school, he has continued to run to stay in both mental and physical shape. Signing up for the Lincoln Half Marathon his junior year of college on a whim, he was hooked on the distance. Since then, he has continued to run not only to stay healthy, but especially because of the community the sport provides. When pacing, Keevan hopes to create an fun, enjoyable atmosphere while helping others to achieve their goals!
Half Marathon PR: 1:23

1:53 SmartPace Teams

Jeff M. - 1:53 pacer

Jeff ran through high school and college to cut weight for wrestling often running 30-50 miles per week. In 2009 he decided to focus on running completing his first half marathon and training for his first marathon. Jeff has completed 33 marathons, 4 50Ks and 1 100K. While striving for continuous improvement in his own running he has a passion for helping other runners achieve their goals.
Half Marathon PR: 1:26

2:00 SmartPace Teams

Philip B. - 2:00 pacer

Phil Bennett has been an active runner in the greater Kansas City area since 2013, participating in a variety of events in and around the greater Kansas City metropolitan area. Phil has a personal goal to run a half marathon in every state. Phil looks forward to each opportunity to help runners reach their goals - whether they are running their first race, 100th race, or anywhere in between.
Half Marathon PR: 1:28

2:08 SmartPace Teams

Wael S. - 2:08 pacer

Wael has been running since 2008. He has completed several ultra trail races, several half marathons and full marathons. He enjoys trail running with the Kansas City Trail Nerds. Wael completed three 100 mile ultra runs with a sub-24 hour finish in Feb, 2014.
Half Marathon PR: 1:38

2:15 SmartPace Teams

Dawna G. - 2:15 pacer

Dawña started running over 25 years ago to get in shape. She signed up to run her first marathon in January of 2003 and was hooked. She is currently training for her 43rd marathon (and 30th state.) She ran her first and only (so far) 50 mile race in March of 2021 and her first 50K in April of 2022. She is looking forward to running with you and helping you get to the finish line!
Half Marathon PR: 01:41

2:20 SmartPace Teams

Trenton P. - 2:20 pacer

Trenton is an active duty recruiter who found a passion for running about 8 years ago. Since becoming a recruiter he has ran 1 full marathons (with another in the future) and 5 Half Marathons ranging from 1:56-2:06. He typically runs 30-40 miles a week and wants to run an Ultra for his Birthday next February.
Half Marathon PR: 1:56

2:23 SmartPace Teams

Steve W. - 2:23 pacer

Hi, my name is Steve Wells and I will be pacing the first half of the 4:45 group. I’m excited to have been chosen to help pace the Salina Crossroads marathon and hope that I can help you achieve your goal. A little background on me - I have completed 4 ultras, 21 marathons, and 30 half-marathons, and this will be my 9th time pacing. One of the things I love about running is being able to help others reach their goals. Pacing gives me a chance to do that and give back to the running community. We will plan to utilize a 'run/walk' strategy where we'll walk through all water stops and as needed to keep everyone on pace. See you on race day!
Half Marathon PR: 1:40

2:30 SmartPace Teams

Michael B. - 2:30 pacer

Mike has completed over 270 marathons in 40 different states. His past pacing experiences have included the Kansas City Marathon, the Lincoln Marathon Go! St. Louis, the Cowbell, and the Olathe Marathon. Mike is passionate about sharing his many running experiences with others and supporting all marathoners in doing their personal best.
Half Marathon PR: 1.37

2:35 SmartPace Teams

Teretta H. - 2:35 pacer

Te'Retta has been running since 2013. What began as running local 5Ks with friends blossomed into a genuine love for running! She is a certified personal trainer, sports nutritionist, and running coach who has run countless 5Ks, 10Ks, half marathons and marathons. She's currently 7 states shy of completing a half marathon in all 50 states and preparing for the Tokyo Marathon! Pacing is a complete joy for Te'Retta, as it provides her the opportunity to support others in reaching and/or surpassing a race goal. Te'Retta is faithful to the Galloway method in training and racing. Her race mantra when things get "hard" is "I shall run and not grow weary. I shall walk and not faint!"
Half Marathon PR: 2:05

2:38 SmartPace Teams

Tom M. - 2:38 pacer

Tom ran track and cross-country in high school and mostly 10K’s during and after college. After a couple decades of work and family obligations his physician told him to exercise. Running was familiar and races provided measures of progress. He’s run over 40 marathons, including Boston, Chicago, New York, Berlin, and London along with local marathons, half marathons, 10 and 5K’s. He experienced the advantages of the SmartPacing system and is delighted to share that with you, whether this is a first race, a PR attempt, or a comeback race. He will ease you into an efficient pace, going slow in uphills and faster in downhills, along with strategic walk breaks at aid stations. He’ll encourage you, distract you, and entertain you to your goal. He has paced numerous races over several years and enjoyed helping runners achieve their goals.
Half Marathon PR: 1:39

2:45 SmartPace Teams

Theneshia G. - 2:45 pacer

As a retired U.S Army veteran, Theneshia "T" has been involved in running for many years; however, she didn't do her first long distance race until 2006. In 2006, her neighbor asked her to join in on doing the "˜CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield Half Marathon' in Baltimore, MD. Without proper training for a half marathon and lacking a real understanding of running efficiency, she completed the race and fell in love with the excitement and energy around organized races!!! It was at that very moment that T realized she wanted to become more serious about running and to challenge herself to complete more long-distance races, with proper training. T knew at that moment she wanted to transition from just "˜RUNNING' to being a "˜RUNNER.' Since her first half marathon in 2006, she has completed countless half marathons (including 13.1 in all 50 States Finisher), 5Ks, 10Ks, RAGNARs, Army Ten Milers, 1 -30k, and three ultramarathons ( 2 x 50k, and 1 x 50 miler - infamous JFK 50 miler; 2 x 51 milers). She decided she wanted to be a pacer when she realized it brings absolute DELIGHT and JOY to her heart to be a part of helping others achieve their goals. It's not about her, it's about YOU! For some, running goes deeper than the surface of just running. We never know what spiritual, emotional, mental, or physical barriers a runner may truly be trying to overcome or personal goal they want to achieve. But whatever it may be, T desires to do her part in helping them tear down those barriers and reach those goals while on the pavement! Loyal-T #JourneyTo1Percent Phil4:13
Half Marathon PR: 2:00

2:50 SmartPace Teams

Amy K. - 2:50 pacer

Losing a parent at a young age from Heart Disease to fighting obesity I have found a love for running and triathlons. From barely able to walk down the hall without feeling out of breath to running half and full marathons and participating in triathlons I have gotten years of my life back. I enjoy supporting and empowering others along my journey. If you want to succeed make a plan, set a goal and put one foot in front of the other. Anything is possible.
Half Marathon PR: 2:19

2:53 SmartPace Teams

Niki H. - 2:53 pacer

Niki is an enthusiastic and fun-loving runner who loves encouraging runners of all speeds. She started running marathons and half marathons in 2009. She uses run walk ratios of :60/:30 for marathons and :90/:30 for half marathons. Her mottos are…”we WILL get there”, “the more we smile, the less it hurts”, and “nobody cries until the finish line”. Her comfort race times are 2:20-2:45 half marathon and 5:30-6:00 marathon.
Half Marathon PR: 2:04

3:00 SmartPace Teams

Ryne B. - 3:00 pacer

Ryne has always enjoyed running since he was young; however, he fell in love with distance running in 2016, when he ran his first half marathon. Since 2016, Ryne has ran over 25 half marathons and 10 marathons. Besides running, another way that Ryne like to keep in shape is by doing crossfit. When Ryne is not training for his next race, he works as an accountant and officiating softball, baseball, and basketball.
Half Marathon PR: 1:55

3:10 SmartPace Teams

Brian K. - 3:10 pacer

Brian began running in the military when he was required to run and now enjoys getting out and running for fun and exercise. He enjoys the running community, they are always there to lift you up when you are having a bad running day. Brian's first half marathon in 1999 and his first marathon in 2001, which he did to check it off his bucket list. But those two events got him hooked. Brian enjoys pacing as it is a great way to meet new peopel and to hear stories from all of the different runners.
Half Marathon PR: 1:33

Full Marathon SmartPace Teams

3:30 SmartPace Teams

Keevan S. - 3:30 pacer

Keevan has been running for as long as he can remember. After running competitively in high school, he has continued to run to stay in both mental and physical shape. Signing up for the Lincoln Half Marathon his junior year of college on a whim, he was hooked on the distance. Since then, he has continued to run not only to stay healthy, but especially because of the community the sport provides. When pacing, Keevan hopes to create an fun, enjoyable atmosphere while helping others to achieve their goals!
Half Marathon PR: 1:33

Chris G. - 3:30 pacer

Chris has run 65 marathons including one in each state, and about twice that many halfs, including pacing for 7 marathons and 40+ halfs. He enjoys distance running because it's excellent practice in not quitting, and entering marathons is good motivation for staying in shape. For Chris as with most geezers, the idea of starting slow is appealing, and the Smartpacing strategy is a lot more enjoyable than running dead even splits. The challenge will be to see how many laughs can be generated the last part of the race.
Marathon PR: 2:56

3:45 SmartPace Teams

Jeff M. - 3:45 pacer

Jeff ran through high school and college to cut weight for wrestling often running 30-50 miles per week. In 2009 he decided to focus on running completing his first half marathon and training for his first marathon. Jeff has completed 33 marathons, 4 50Ks and 1 100K. While striving for continuous improvement in his own running he has a passion for helping other runners achieve their goals.
Marathon PR: 2:59

4:00 SmartPace Teams

Philip B. - 4:00 pacer

Phil Bennett has been an active runner in the greater Kansas City area since 2013, participating in a variety of events in and around the greater Kansas City metropolitan area. Phil has a personal goal to run a half marathon in every state. Phil looks forward to each opportunity to help runners reach their goals - whether they are running their first race, 100th race, or anywhere in between.
Marathon PR: 3:56

Spencer T. - 4:00 pacer

Spencer has been an active runner for the past four years since he finished college. He was a cross-country and track runner in high school and primarily focuses on half-marathon distances now. Spencer enjoys challenging himself on distance runs and is passionate about helping others get into the sport. He believes that running is good for both the body and mind, and has been a great stress outlet for him.
Marathon PR: 3:31

4:15 SmartPace Teams

Wael S. - 4:15 pacer

Wael has been running since 2008. He has completed several ultra trail races, several half marathons and full marathons. He enjoys trail running with the Kansas City Trail Nerds. Wael completed three 100 mile ultra runs with a sub-24 hour finish in Feb, 2014.
Marathon PR: 3:36

4:30 SmartPace Teams

Dawna G. - 4:30 pacer

Dawña started running over 25 years ago to get in shape. She signed up to run her first marathon in January of 2003 and was hooked. She is currently training for her 43rd marathon (and 30th state.) She ran her first and only (so far) 50 mile race in March of 2021 and her first 50K in April of 2022. She is looking forward to running with you and helping you get to the finish line!
Marathon PR: 03:32

4:45 SmartPace Teams

Steve W. - 4:45 pacer

Hi, my name is Steve Wells and I will be pacing the first half of the 4:45 group. I’m excited to have been chosen to help pace the Salina Crossroads marathon and hope that I can help you achieve your goal. A little background on me - I have completed 4 ultras, 21 marathons, and 30 half-marathons, and this will be my 9th time pacing. One of the things I love about running is being able to help others reach their goals. Pacing gives me a chance to do that and give back to the running community. We will plan to utilize a 'run/walk' strategy where we'll walk through all water stops and as needed to keep everyone on pace. See you on race day!
Marathon PR: 3:36

Scott B. - 4:45 pacer

Scott started running again at the young age of 41 just to lose a few pounds and be in better health. Joined a local running club and after a few years of a mile here and a mile there he decided to try his first marathon in spring of 2014 and has been hooked since. Two years since the spring of 2014 he has completed many marathons and 50+ half marathons. His favorite thing about running is the camaraderie that runners share and helping others achieve their goals whether it be a first race, a PR or just enjoying a run with good company.
Marathon PR: 3:44

5:00 SmartPace Teams

Michael B. - 5:00 pacer

Mike has completed over 270 marathons in 40 different states. His past pacing experiences have included the Kansas City Marathon, the Lincoln Marathon Go! St. Louis, the Cowbell, and the Olathe Marathon. Mike is passionate about sharing his many running experiences with others and supporting all marathoners in doing their personal best.
Marathon PR: 3.35

5:15 SmartPace Teams

Tom M. - 5:15 pacer

Tom ran track and cross-country in high school and mostly 10K’s during and after college. After a couple decades of work and family obligations his physician told him to exercise. Running was familiar and races provided measures of progress. He’s run over 40 marathons, including Boston, Chicago, New York, Berlin, and London along with local marathons, half marathons, 10 and 5K’s. He experienced the advantages of the SmartPacing system and is delighted to share that with you, whether this is a first race, a PR attempt, or a comeback race. He will ease you into an efficient pace, going slow in uphills and faster in downhills, along with strategic walk breaks at aid stations. He’ll encourage you, distract you, and entertain you to your goal. He has paced numerous races over several years and enjoyed helping runners achieve their goals.
Marathon PR: 3:12

5:30 SmartPace Teams

Theneshia G. - 5:30 pacer

As a retired U.S Army veteran, Theneshia "T" has been involved in running for many years; however, she didn't do her first long distance race until 2006. In 2006, her neighbor asked her to join in on doing the "˜CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield Half Marathon' in Baltimore, MD. Without proper training for a half marathon and lacking a real understanding of running efficiency, she completed the race and fell in love with the excitement and energy around organized races!!! It was at that very moment that T realized she wanted to become more serious about running and to challenge herself to complete more long-distance races, with proper training. T knew at that moment she wanted to transition from just "˜RUNNING' to being a "˜RUNNER.' Since her first half marathon in 2006, she has completed countless half marathons (including 13.1 in all 50 States Finisher), 5Ks, 10Ks, RAGNARs, Army Ten Milers, 1 -30k, and three ultramarathons ( 2 x 50k, and 1 x 50 miler - infamous JFK 50 miler; 2 x 51 milers). She decided she wanted to be a pacer when she realized it brings absolute DELIGHT and JOY to her heart to be a part of helping others achieve their goals. It's not about her, it's about YOU! For some, running goes deeper than the surface of just running. We never know what spiritual, emotional, mental, or physical barriers a runner may truly be trying to overcome or personal goal they want to achieve. But whatever it may be, T desires to do her part in helping them tear down those barriers and reach those goals while on the pavement! Loyal-T #JourneyTo1Percent Phil4:13
Marathon PR: 4:44

5:45 SmartPace Teams

Niki H. - 5:45 pacer

Niki is an enthusiastic and fun-loving runner who loves encouraging runners of all speeds. She started running marathons and half marathons in 2009. She uses run walk ratios of :60/:30 for marathons and :90/:30 for half marathons. Her mottos are…”we WILL get there”, “the more we smile, the less it hurts”, and “nobody cries until the finish line”. Her comfort race times are 2:20-2:45 half marathon and 5:30-6:00 marathon.
Marathon PR: 4:45

6:00 SmartPace Teams

Ryne B. - 6:00 pacer

Ryne has always enjoyed running since he was young; however, he fell in love with distance running in 2016, when he ran his first half marathon. Since 2016, Ryne has ran over 25 half marathons and 10 marathons. Besides running, another way that Ryne like to keep in shape is by doing crossfit. When Ryne is not training for his next race, he works as an accountant and officiating softball, baseball, and basketball.
Marathon PR: 4:23

The Garmin SmartPacing Team

fueled by Picky Bars

Real [Good] Food. Built To Fuel.

Create a free Chase Chart to help friends and family find you on the course based on your finish time.
after you race, please come back and leave comments about your pacer, and complete a survey to help us improve.

SmartPacing is organized by The Runners's Edge in Kansas City and The Runners's Edge of the Rockies in Denver, with support from Races2Remember.com.