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In this section:
Our Upcoming Races
Shawnee Time Travel Half - 01/25/2025
Stilly Half Marathon - 03/08/2025
Time to Paddy Half Marathon - 03/08/2025
Eisenhower Marathon/Half - 04/19/2025
DoNot Stop Half - 04/19/2025
Garmin Marathon - 04/26/2025
Trolley Run - 04/27/2025
Lincoln Marathon - 05/04/2025
Running with the Cows Half - 05/10/2025
Colfax Marathon - 05/18/2025
Bill Snyder Highway Half - 05/24/2025
Hospital Hill Run - 05/31/2025
Clinton Historic Half - 06/14/2025
Hometown Half Marathon - 06/14/2025
Four on the 4th - 07/04/2025
Valentine Marathon/Half - 08/02/2025
Words to run by
"I have one speed: go" Charlie Sheen
Pace Prediction Chart
This prediction chart was calculated by Gerry Purdy in his book, Computerized Running Training Programs. The numbers are rounded to make it easier to remember the corresponding times for your target race. For the average runner under average conditions, a 22 minute 5K would give them the necessary speed to do a 1:45 half marathon. Conversely, a 4:15 marathoner should be able to run a sub 2:00 half marathon. Of course, there will be a variety of outcomes on either side of this performance curve depending on the race course, weather, training specific to the distance, mental preparation, and pacing strategies, to name a few. Each person will tend to have a niche distance that they will do better at. However, the chart is accurate for most people. In other words, use it with discretion.
Half Marathon Pace Prediction Chart
Find your recent 5k, 10k or marathon time and see our recommended half marathon pace group.
Half Marathon Pace Team |
Recent 5k Race Time |
Recent 10k Race Time |
Recent Marathon Race Time |
Time | Pace | Time | Pace | Time | Pace | Time | Pace | |||
1:25 | 6:30 | 18:10 | 5:50 | 38:15 | 6:10 | 3:00 | 6:50 | |||
1:30 | 6:50 | 19:10 | 6:10 | 40:20 | 6:30 | 3:10 | 7:15 | |||
1:35 | 7:15 | 20:15 | 6:30 | 43:00 | 6:55 | 3:23 | 7:45 | |||
1:40 | 7:40 | 21:15 | 6:50 | 45:00 | 7:10 | 3:33:30 | 8:10 | |||
1:45 | 8:00 | 22:15 | 7:10 | 47:00 | 7:30 | 3:44 | 8:30 | |||
1:50 | 8:25 | 23:30 | 7:30 | 49:40 | 8:00 | 3:55:30 | 9:00 | |||
1:55 | 8:50 | 24:15 | 7:50 | 51:25 | 8:15 | 4:06 | 9:20 | |||
2:00 | 9:10 | 25:30 | 8:10 | 54:00 | 8:40 | 4:17:20 | 9:50 | |||
2:05 | 9:30 | 26:15 | 8:30 | 55:50 | 9:00 | 4:28 | 10:15 | |||
2:10 | 9:55 | 27:30 | 8:50 | 58:15 | 9:20 | 4:39:15 | 10:40 | |||
2:15 | 10:20 | 28:15 | 9:10 | 1:00:15 | 9:40 | 4:50 | 11:05 | |||
2:20 | 10:40 | 29:30 | 9:30 | 1:02:50 | 10:05 | 5:02 | 11:30 | |||
2:25 | 11:05 | 30:30 | 9:50 | 1:05 | 10:25 | 5:13 | 11:55 | |||
2:30 | 11:30 | 31:30 | 10:05 | 1:07:15 | 10:45 | 5:24 | 12:20 | |||
2:35 | 11:50 | 32:30 | 10:25 | 1:09:45 | 11:10 | 5:35 | 12:45 | |||
2:40 | 12:10 | 33:30 | 10:45 | 1:11:45 | 11:30 | 5:45 | 13:10 | |||
2:45 | 12:35 | 34:30 | 11:05 | 1:13:50 | 11:50 | 5:55 | 13:30 | |||
2:50 | 13:00 | 35:15 | 11:20 | 1:15:15 | 12:05 | 6:07 | 14:00 | |||
2:55 | 13:20 | 36:30 | 11:40 | 1:17:30 | 12:30 | 6:20 | 14:30 | |||
3:00 | 13:45 | 37:15 | 12:00 | 1:19:50 | 12:50 | 6:32 | 15:00 | |||
3:10 | 14:30 | 39:45 | 12:45 | 1:24:15 | 13:35 | 7:00 | 16:00 | |||
3:20 | 15:10 | 42:00 | 13:30 | 1:29:00 | 14:20 | 7:25 | 16:55 | |||
3:30 | 16:10 | 44:10 | 14:15 | 1:33:50 | 15:10 | 7:49 | 17:55 |
Full Marathon Pace Prediction Chart
Find your recent 5k, 10k or marathon time and see our recommended Marathon pace group.
Marathon Pace Team |
Recent 5k Race Time |
Recent 10k Race Time |
Recent Half Marathon Race Time |
Time | Pace | Time | Pace | Time | Pace | Time | Pace | |||
3:00 | 6:50 | 18:10 | 5:50 | 38:15 | 6:10 | 1:25 | 6:30 | |||
3:10 | 7:15 | 19:10 | 6:10 | 40:20 | 6:30 | 1:29:45 | 6:50 | |||
3:15 | 7:25 | 19:35 | 6:20 | 41:20 | 6:40 | 1:32 | 7:00 | |||
3:20 | 7:35 | 20:05 | 6:25 | 42:20 | 6:50 | 1:34:15 | 7:10 | |||
3:30 | 8:00 | 21:00 | 6:45 | 44:20 | 7:05 | 1:38 | 7:30 | |||
3:35 | 8:10 | 21:30 | 6:55 | 45:25 | 7:15 | 1:41:15 | 7:40 | |||
3:40 | 8:20 | 22:00 | 7:05 | 46:25 | 7:25 | 1:43:30 | 7:55 | |||
3:45 | 8:35 | 22:25 | 7:10 | 47:25 | 7:35 | 1:45:45 | 8:05 | |||
3:50 | 8:45 | 22:55 | 7:20 | 48:25 | 7:45 | 1:48:15 | 8:15 | |||
3:55 | 9:00 | 23:20 | 7:30 | 49:25 | 7:55 | 1:50:30 | 8:25 | |||
4:00 | 9:10 | 23:50 | 7:40 | 50:25 | 8:05 | 1:52:45 | 8:40 | |||
4:05 | 9:20 | 24:15 | 7:50 | 51:25 | 8:15 | 1:55 | 8:50 | |||
4:10 | 9:30 | 24:45 | 7:55 | 52:30 | 8:25 | 1:57:30 | 8:55 | |||
4:15 | 9:40 | 25:10 | 8:05 | 53:30 | 8:35 | 1:59:45 | 9:10 | |||
4:20 | 9:55 | 25:40 | 8:15 | 54:30 | 8:45 | 2:02 | 9:20 | |||
4:25 | 10:05 | 26:05 | 8:25 | 55:30 | 8:55 | 2:04:15 | 9:30 | |||
4:30 | 10:20 | 26:35 | 8:30 | 56:30 | 9:05 | 2:06:30 | 9:40 | |||
4:40 | 10:40 | 27:30 | 8:50 | 58:30 | 9:25 | 2:11 | 10:00 | |||
4:50 | 11:05 | 28:25 | 9:10 | 1:00:35 | 9:45 | 2:15:30 | 10:20 | |||
5:00 | 11:25 | 29:20 | 9:25 | 1:02:25 | 10:00 | 2:20 | 10:40 | |||
5:10 | 11:45 | 30:15 | 9:45 | 1:04:35 | 10:20 | 2:24:30 | 11:00 | |||
5:20 | 12:15 | 31:10 | 10:00 | 1:06:40 | 10:40 | 2:29 | 11:20 | |||
5:30 | 12:35 | 32:05 | 10:20 | 1:08:40 | 11:00 | 2:33:15 | 11:40 | |||
5:45 | 13:10 | 33:25 | 10:45 | 1:11:45 | 11:30 | 2:39:45 | 12:10 |
The Garmin SmartPacing Team
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SmartPacing is organized by The Runners's Edge in Kansas City and The Runners's Edge of the Rockies in Denver, with support from