Our Upcoming Races 

St. Joseph Marathon and Half - 09/28/2024

Little Apple Marathon & Half Marathon - 10/05/2024

Kansas City Marathon - 10/19/2024

Spooky Sprint Half Marathon - 10/26/2024

Salina Crossroads Marathon and Half - 11/02/2024

Kansas Half Marathon - 11/03/2024

Gobbler Grind Marathon - 11/24/2024

Words to run by

"Someday my body will not be able to do this. Today is not that day."

Meet your Pacers for
Spooky Sprint Half Marathon

Half Marathon Pacers: 1:30 1:35 1:40 1:45 1:50 1:55 2:00 2:05 2:10 2:15 2:20 2:25 2:30 2:35 2:40 2:45 2:50 2:55 3:00

Half Marathon SmartPace Teams

1:30 SmartPace Teams

Matt H. - 1:30 pacer

Matt has several pacing events under his belt and is excited to help with more races. Ultimately his passion for pacing is to help runners achieve their own goals and at the end of the race hear that those around him hit PRs and/or couldn't have finished that well if it wasn't for him. Lots of friends would describe him as inspiring and he wishes to help each runner with words of encouragement and advice before, during, and after the race. Matt started running with high school football and track but didn't really become committed to endurance running until the past couple years and has fallen in love with running and being a part of the running community. Matt is convinced that pace groups add a huge benefit for people to reach their goals and is looking forward to sharing laughs and encouragement with you each mile of the race.
Half Marathon PR: 1:19

1:35 SmartPace Teams

Jessalyn S. - 1:35 pacer

Jessalyn is an ultra marathoner, 5x marathoner, 2x Boston Marathon runner, and sub 1:30 half-marathoner. She is new to pacing in 2023, but is excited to help others meet their race goals. Her philosophy is to keep a comfortably hard pace, stay consistent, and of course enjoy the race!
Half Marathon PR: 1:28:49

1:40 SmartPace Teams

Nam A. - 1:40 pacer

Nam started running back high school and he has been enjoying it ever since. He has ran countless 5ks, 10ks, half marathons and 5 full marathons to date. He has also done 3 triathlons. He enjoys runnning with others and making friends along way. He looks forward to making new friends and helping them achieve their goals
Half Marathon PR: 1:29

1:45 SmartPace Teams

Stephanie M. - 1:45 pacer

Stephanie started running for fun and as a way to keep in shape in between weekend soccer games. She signed up for her first half in 2012, and became hooked on distance running. She has run everything from a 5k to a 50k. She enjoys recovery runs with her dachshunds Riley and Norman. She has ran 44 (and counting)full marathons to date, including 7 consecutive Boston Marathons! She looks forward to helping people meet personal running goals, while making the marathon experience a great one!
Half Marathon PR: 1:33

1:50 SmartPace Teams

Carrie G. - 1:50 pacer

Carrie ran her first half marathon at Longview Lake in November of 2021. She surprised herself with a decent time so she decided to keep going and push herself! She’s found a group of friends to do long runs with, who encouraged her to do her first marathon in spring 2023. It went ok… so she signed up for 2 more that year! Her PR is 3:32 at Des Moines 2024. She loves to chat while she runs and tell jokes and even sing a little when she can. Carrie is currently training for Grandmas marathon in June and Chicago in October. Boston 2025 hopeful!!! Looking forward to motivating runners to new PRs and personal goals while providing as much entertainment as possible 😀.
Half Marathon PR: 1:35

1:55 SmartPace Teams

John M. - 1:55 pacer

John started running in 2014 as an inexpensive way of getting in shape. It quickly became his passion as he moved from 5k's to 10k's to half marathons to full marathons. John has participated in 10 half marathons and 7 full marathons. He achieved his long held goal of running the Boston Marathon in 2022. His goal in any race is to have fun and enjoy the atmosphere and surroundings. Pacers have helped him achieve PR's and a BQ in the past and he is excited for the opportunity to pay that forward.
Half Marathon PR: 1:33:08

2:00 SmartPace Teams

Cory S. - 2:00 pacer

Cory began running seriously in 2010 when he was introduced to triathlons. First a sprint, then olympic, then half Ironman and eventually the full Ironman. Sprinkle in some half and full marathons, and running has become a rhythm of life; including a weekly early Sunday morning run of 10+ miles. His running highlight was being able to run the final 10 miles of IMFL (2021) with his daughter (who was 21 at the time) and crossing the finish line together. He now desires to be a source of encouragement and inspiration for others in reaching their goals. We can do this! Let's go!!
Half Marathon PR: 1:41

2:05 SmartPace Teams

Kara S. - 2:05 pacer

Kara started running eight years ago and quickly developed a love for the sport. She decided to take it to the next level and become much more competitive. During college, she was a member of a semi professional racing team based in eastern Nebraska, Lincoln Running Company Nebraska Racing. She has participated in events ranging from the 1 mile to the marathon. Her preferred distance is the half marathon. After competing for five years, she is ready to help others reach their goals through pacing.
Half Marathon PR: 1:30:11

2:10 SmartPace Teams

Nichole H. - 2:10 pacer

Nichole started running about eight years ago and joined in the triathlon scene shortly after. She has completed numerous road and trail races ranging from the 5k to full marathon (plus a super short ultra) distances. Nichole has also completed triathlons of various distances from sprint to several Ironman 70.3. She completed her first full Ironman in 2021! Nichole is the mother of two, former collegiate softball player, coaches multiple sports, and is married to a coach. She enjoys running and training with friends. Her goal is to have fun and help runners in her group meet their personal goals.
Half Marathon PR: 1:53

2:15 SmartPace Teams

Kirby W. - 2:15 pacer

Kirby has been running since middle school when she started competing in track and field, she continued to run through college as a long sprinter and hurdler. After college she started with longer distance running and triathlons. She’s completed two Ironman 70.3 triathlons, 13 half marathons, and 3 full marathons. Kirby is excited to help runners of all abilities reach their goals!
Half Marathon PR: 1:54

2:20 SmartPace Teams

Jessi H. - 2:20 pacer

Jessi is a mom of 3 boys, engaged to be married in October and someone who enjoys running and lifting for fun! She ran starting in 8th and all throughout high school, unfortunately didn’t continue after though. After having kids though she had the urge to run some races and her first half marathon which was hospital hill! She achieved her goal time because of pacers and knew one day she also wanted to be a pacer. Few years later she did her second half marathon and her third with her brother. Helping her brother finish his first half was the best feeling to her! Then and there she KNEW she had to be a pacer! She is so excited to help others achieve their goals and make the race as fun as possible! She’ll be joking around and cheering you on!
Half Marathon PR: 1:58:59

2:25 SmartPace Teams

Ben B. - 2:25 pacer

Ben picked up running in college as a way to stay healthy and balance the stress of his class work. After his first half marathon in 2017, he’s caught the “race fever” and has participated in 10 half marathons and 3 full marathons. He enjoys the atmosphere that he gets to create when pacing races and helping everyone cross the finish line with a smile on their face!
Half Marathon PR: 1:33

2:30 SmartPace Teams

Hien Frances T. - 2:30 pacer

Hien Frances starts running late more like in her adulthood, to be honest. She started running a few years back to stay in shape and be active. She signed up for her first 5k and loved it. She has been running numerous 5k, 10k and handful halfs and couple marathons. She believed in RUNNERS HELPING RUNNERs She is new to pacing and excited to help runner to achieve their running goal and have a good time on the course.
Half Marathon PR: 1:53

2:35 SmartPace Teams

Julie W. - 2:35 pacer

Julie Weatherford started running races in 2010 after the birth of her son. She coached both track and cross country for years, and loves to help people improve their running. She has run lots of 5k's, 10k's, half-marathons, and 8 full marathons. She is excited to help others have a fun and successful race!
Half Marathon PR: 1:56:38

2:40 SmartPace Teams

Pamela D. - 2:40 pacer

Pamela is a Kansas City native, has been a runner for years and recently started pacing half marathons. She is a first grade teacher and a Girls on the Run at her elementary school! Pamela enjoys staying active, traveling and cooking/eating! Pamela has ran nearly 100 half marathons and 10 marathons around the states. She enjoys running trips with friends and sharing the LOVE of running with others! Pamela will motivate and encourage ALL runners to do the BEST and to reach their GOALS!
Half Marathon PR: 1:52

2:45 SmartPace Teams

Kim C. - 2:45 pacer

Kim started running to lose the "baby weight" after her youngest turned 2. She fell in love with running, especially the half-marathon when she completed her first half (The KCM Half) in October of 2012. She enjoyed the race experience so much that she completed her second half just 4 weeks later. Since starting, Kim has completed 71 half marathons and over 50 5K & 10K runs and is a member of Half Fanatics. Kim's goal is to run to have fun and enjoy the journey.
Half Marathon PR: 1:57

2:50 SmartPace Teams

Bethany L. - 2:50 pacer

Bethany has been running since 2018. She decided to sign up for a 5k for a good cause, did some minor training, and completed it without walking. Considering she couldn't run a quarter mile before this small training, this was huge progress. This launched her into her distance running journey. If others could set big goals and run fun races, then so could she. Since then, Bethany has run numerous 5k, 10k, and random distance races along with 8 half marathons and her first full marathon back in November 2023. She has had wonderful family and friends along her journey that have encouraged her to be better, train smarter, and dream big. One of those dreams was becoming a pacer. She never imagined herself becoming a pacer but being the encourager and goal setter she is, this seemed like the perfect fit. This is her first year pacing half marathons, and she is excited to jump in, cheer on, and help new friends meet their goals.
Half Marathon PR: 1:56

2:55 SmartPace Teams

Sharon J. - 2:55 pacer

Sharon started running after having 3 kids and was "bitten" by the marathon bug. Sharon has completed 24 marathons (her favorite marathons are the NY marathon, Big Sur marathon and the Chicago Marathon, London Marathon, Berlin marathon), the Disney Dopey 48.6 mile challenge, One 50k, more than 200 half marathons locally, across the country and internationally, is a "Double Agent" (member of both the Half Fanatics and Marathon Maniacs national running clubs), KC Express Member, Team Beef member, Black Girls Run member, National Association of Black Marathoners member and a member of the 100 half marathon club. She looks forward to helping others reach their goals and possibly sharing the thrill of crossing the finish line with those that are new to running half marathons. Sharon uses a Galloway run/walk strategy which will allows for a fun, comfortable, strong finish.
Half Marathon PR: 2:19

3:00 SmartPace Teams

John P. - 3:00 pacer

John started running almost ten years ago to get off the couch and stay in shape. To date, he's completed over one hundred half marathons in 23 states. Not the fastest runner, he's dedicated to get people across the finish line at their goal time.
Half Marathon PR: 2:42:13

The Garmin SmartPacing Team

fueled by Picky Bars

Real [Good] Food. Built To Fuel.

Create a free Chase Chart to help friends and family find you on the course based on your finish time.
after you race, please come back and leave comments about your pacer, and complete a survey to help us improve.

SmartPacing is organized by The Runners's Edge in Kansas City and The Runners's Edge of the Rockies in Denver, with support from Races2Remember.com.