Our Upcoming Races 

St. Joseph Marathon and Half - 09/28/2024

Little Apple Marathon & Half Marathon - 10/05/2024

Kansas City Marathon - 10/19/2024

Spooky Sprint Half Marathon - 10/26/2024

Salina Crossroads Marathon and Half - 11/02/2024

Kansas Half Marathon - 11/03/2024

Gobbler Grind Marathon - 11/24/2024

Words to run by

"Success is how high you bounce when you hit bottom." General George Patton

Meet your Pacers for
Kansas Half Marathon

Half Marathon Pacers: 1:30 1:35 1:40 1:45 1:50 1:55 2:00 2:05 2:10 2:15 2:20 2:25 2:30 2:35 2:40 2:45 2:50 2:55 3:00 3:10

Half Marathon SmartPace Teams

1:30 SmartPace Teams

Robert S. - 1:30 pacer

Robert Stocklaufer is a 24 year old runner who recently qualified for the Boston marathon! He spent 6 years in the Army National Guard where he discovered running. That is when he made the decision to become the fastest runner for his units PT test which he accomplished by running 2 miles in 10:34. He now has a Marathon PR of 2:43:24 when he placed 2nd overall at Revel Rockies marathon in Colorado.
Half Marathon PR: 1:22

1:35 SmartPace Teams

Jessalyn S. - 1:35 pacer

Jessalyn is an ultra marathoner, 5x marathoner, 2x Boston Marathon runner, and sub 1:30 half-marathoner. She is new to pacing in 2023, but is excited to help others meet their race goals. Her philosophy is to keep a comfortably hard pace, stay consistent, and of course enjoy the race!
Half Marathon PR: 1:28:49

1:40 SmartPace Teams

Nam A. - 1:40 pacer

Nam started running back high school and he has been enjoying it ever since. He has ran countless 5ks, 10ks, half marathons and 5 full marathons to date. He has also done 3 triathlons. He enjoys runnning with others and making friends along way. He looks forward to making new friends and helping them achieve their goals
Half Marathon PR: 1:29

1:45 SmartPace Teams

Dalwyn H. - 1:45 pacer

Dalwyn has been an avid runner since the 8th grade. He's run numerous 5k's and 10k's. His first marathon was Chicago in 2004. He liked it so much, that he went on to run 30 more marathons all over the country. He has also run over 40 half marathons. Dalwyn loves to help others achieve their goals. Whether he's coaching his kids soccer, wrestling or track teams, or running a half or full marathon, he will have a smile and some words of encouragement for you.
Half Marathon PR: 1:31

Tracy K. - 1:45 pacer

Tracy is an active runner and cyclist, who has been running since high school. He is in his 5th year as a pacer and really enjoys getting to know his pace groups and providing encouragement throughout the race. Tracy is an experienced runner having run over 40 half marathons and multiple marathons. He’ll be there as a guide during the race and will help you make the most of your day.
Half Marathon PR: 1:35:00

1:50 SmartPace Teams

Anil S. - 1:50 pacer

Anil absolutely loves running. He took up running as a drunken challenge over Octoberfest and has been a fan of the sport since. He started running in 2018 and is trying to give back to the community by pacing others to their PBs. His 5K PR is 19:49 and Half PR is 1:33:01. Here is his Strava profile is you want to keep up with his runs as he leads up to a race: https://www.strava.com/athletes/5556552
Half Marathon PR: 1:33:01

Kara S. - 1:50 pacer

Kara started running eight years ago and quickly developed a love for the sport. She decided to take it to the next level and become much more competitive. During college, she was a member of a semi professional racing team based in eastern Nebraska, Lincoln Running Company Nebraska Racing. She has participated in events ranging from the 1 mile to the marathon. Her preferred distance is the half marathon. After competing for five years, she is ready to help others reach their goals through pacing.
Half Marathon PR: 1:30:11

1:55 SmartPace Teams

Brett L. - 1:55 pacer

Brett is a runner and triathlete living in Olathe, Kansas. He grew up in Topeka, playing soccer and running track in high school. During college he began long distance running and soon after started biking and swimming. He's completed a number of distance races from 5k's to half marathons.
Half Marathon PR: 1:40:10

Bren W. - 1:55 pacer

Bren runs for her physical and mental health, to strive to better herself every day, and to feel close to God. After beating stage 3 breast cancer, running reminds her that she is more than alive, she is grateful for every step! As a New York City and Boston marathon qualifier, multiple Ironman finisher, USAT All American, with a marathon PR of 3:14, half marathon PR of 1:35, Bren's passion for running is infectious to all around her. She is eager to help you believe the impossible is possible, help motivate you to reach your goals and enjoy the journey!
Half Marathon PR: 1:35

2:00 SmartPace Teams

Megan D. - 2:00 pacer

Megan has been running for most of her life. She ran her first 5K race in 2010 and caught the running bug soon after. She has completed over 55 half marathons and six full marathons. Megan has always enjoyed the social aspect of running and working out with friends. She is looking forward to helping others achieve their goals with Smart Pacing and can't wait to cross the finish line with you!
Half Marathon PR: 1:35

Scott M. - 2:00 pacer

Scott started running in 2010 at the age of 47 when he ran his first 5K. He quickly caught the running bug and started training to run further and faster. He has now completed over a dozen full marathons including, Boston, Chicago and Disney and over 50 half marathons. Scott starting pacing in 2016 and found that helping others was as rewarding as PRing! Running in the Boston Marathon and running over the Golden Gate bridge are two of the best events he has done. Once the race is complete (and sometimes during the race too!) Scott enjoys celebrating with a nice frosty beverage.
Half Marathon PR: 1:33:09

2:05 SmartPace Teams

Kevin G. - 2:05 pacer

Kevin is a half marathon pacing coach at Fleet Feet Tulsa who began running in March 2020 at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. After running his first half marathon in 2:28:03 in December 2020, he managed to trim nearly 45 minutes off his time in 16 months to achieve his current PR of 1:43:27. Kevin ran his first marathon in June 2023, completing Grandma's Marathon in 3:49:02 while achieving a negative split. This will mark his eighth half marathon as a pacer — including his third Bill Snyder Highway Half — and 20th half marathon overall.
Half Marathon PR: 1:43:27

Molly R. - 2:05 pacer

Molly started running shortly after moving to KC. She has now completed numerous half-marathons, and enjoys running on Saturday mornings with Runner's Edge. Molly uses the Smart Pace Strategy, which allows her to finish racing feeling strong and with some "kick" left! She looks forward to encouraging and helping the running community accomplish their personal goals! Molly has helped friends achieve PRs during races and has encouraged friends/family all the way to the top of numerous 14ers in Colorado! She can't wait to cross the finish line with you.
Half Marathon PR: 1:46

2:10 SmartPace Teams

Brian H. - 2:10 pacer

Brian began running only several years ago in 2015. In that year, he ran his 1st 5K and soon after that, fell in love with running. Since then, he's ran many more 5Ks, 10Ks, Half Marathons, and 2 Full Marathons. He really finds enjoyment in running and that has brought him success, achieving multiple PRs the last couple years. He hopes to pass along the enjoyment and success he achieves in running to the pace group he's with any given day. He wants his runners to think positively. To embrace the race. If you think you can do it, you will do it!
Half Marathon PR: 1:38

Tyler A. - 2:10 pacer

After picking up running in college, Tyler has completed 14 marathons and too many half marathons to count. He is on a quest to complete a marathon in all 50 states (...maybe so far WI, AZ, OK, MO, AR, KS, TN, GA, MN, TX, GA, IA, MS, NE). From Seinfeld quotes, dogs, traveling, music and movies, you'll be sure to find something to talk about within a few miles. Otherwise he'll just give you running advice.
Half Marathon PR: 1:29

2:15 SmartPace Teams

Philip B. - 2:15 pacer

Phil Bennett has been an active runner in the greater Kansas City area since 2013, participating in a variety of events in and around the greater Kansas City metropolitan area. Phil has a personal goal to run a half marathon in every state. Phil looks forward to each opportunity to help runners reach their goals - whether they are running their first race, 100th race, or anywhere in between.
Half Marathon PR: 1:28

Nichole H. - 2:15 pacer

Nichole started running about eight years ago and joined in the triathlon scene shortly after. She has completed numerous road and trail races ranging from the 5k to full marathon (plus a super short ultra) distances. Nichole has also completed triathlons of various distances from sprint to several Ironman 70.3. She completed her first full Ironman in 2021! Nichole is the mother of two, former collegiate softball player, coaches multiple sports, and is married to a coach. She enjoys running and training with friends. Her goal is to have fun and help runners in her group meet their personal goals.
Half Marathon PR: 1:53

2:20 SmartPace Teams

Scott B. - 2:20 pacer

Scott started running again at the young age of 41 just to lose a few pounds and be in better health. Joined a local running club and after a few years of a mile here and a mile there he decided to try his first marathon in spring of 2014 and has been hooked since. Two years since the spring of 2014 he has completed many marathons and 50+ half marathons. His favorite thing about running is the camaraderie that runners share and helping others achieve their goals whether it be a first race, a PR or just enjoying a run with good company.
Half Marathon PR: 1:43

Kelcey M. - 2:20 pacer

Kelcey has been running on and off since college. She has stepped up her "racing" post-kids. She has three young girls, all under the age of ten. When not running she spends her time as a local school Principal. Her husband is patient with her busy work and mom schedule and still supports her getting in her runs with her gal pals. She also loves relaxing with a book and a good drink. Kelcey also loves finding a good race out of town and seeing some new sights!
Half Marathon PR: 1:39

2:25 SmartPace Teams

Sara A. - 2:25 pacer

Sara has mastered running and talking at the same time through her routine early morning runs with friends. She has run over 75 half marathons starting 22 years ago. Her most memorable race has been the Hood to Coast relay in Oregon. Sara enjoys the challenge of half marathons without the intense training of a full marathon. Her favorite races are those running with her daughter. Sara's tip today is to stick with the pacing splits for the first few miles, and then you can plow forward later to beat the pacer. It is always tempting to surge forward at the start of the race. Sara is looking forward to helping you reach your race goal and to enjoy the experience along the way.
Half Marathon PR: 1:43

Aron M. - 2:25 pacer

Aron started running several years ago lose weight and stay healthy. Did his first half and it went from there completing over 60 half marathons, 7 marathons, and 9 Ultra marathons. The distance is what drives. Pacing is a great opportunity to return the help he got over the years from more experienced runners. Cant wait to see you out there and hep you get a PR!
Half Marathon PR: 1:52:27

2:30 SmartPace Teams

Cristal B. - 2:30 pacer

Cristal LOVES pacing any distance from 5K to 26.2. A fitness instructor & born optimist, Cristal loves to run at a conversational pace, enjoying a walk break through each water station, with enough time to thank volunteers and high-five as many cheering kids along the course as possible. She believes anyone can run a half or full marathon with the right attitude and a little ambition, you've just got to run Smart & keep going. She recently completed her 50 states journey, and at her 50th state tied in Virtual Boston (Hartford CT - highly recommend if you are doing 50 states too!). She believes life is good - and it's even better when you run. She looks forward to meeting you & helping you cross the finish line exactly on time (or a little early
Half Marathon PR: 1:55

Hien Frances T. - 2:30 pacer

Hien Frances starts running late more like in her adulthood, to be honest. She started running a few years back to stay in shape and be active. She signed up for her first 5k and loved it. She has been running numerous 5k, 10k and handful halfs and couple marathons. She believed in RUNNERS HELPING RUNNERs She is new to pacing and excited to help runner to achieve their running goal and have a good time on the course.
Half Marathon PR: 1:53

2:35 SmartPace Teams

Lauren A. - 2:35 pacer

Since running her first 5k in fifth grade, Lauren has been passionate about running. Competing in track and cross country in school, Lauren now regularly runs in half and full marathons. She completed her eitght full marathon at Chicago. Training includes a mix of running, crossfitting, swimming and HIIT classes. She loves to stay active and occasionally participates in triathlons and mud runs. Lauren can't wait to share her love for running with you and is way to excited to help you have a great race!
Half Marathon PR: 1:47

Andrea H. - 2:35 pacer

Andrea started running in 2010 when her mom (in her late 40's!) ran her first half marathon and encouraged Andrea to also pick up running. It was a very slow start, she did not enjoy it at first, but it finally clicked and a love of running was created. She has ran through 2 pregnancies and all the fun life things that two small kids can throw at you! She has a love for pacing because there is no greater joy in her life than to share the love of running with others as well as helping others achieve their goals. Andrea has accomplished many PR goals because of other pacers so she would love to be that person for someone else, either running their very first race or just trying to break a personal record! Andrea's kids think she wins every race she goes to since she comes home with a medal and there is no reason to correct them on that :)
Half Marathon PR: 1:48:31

2:40 SmartPace Teams

Kim C. - 2:40 pacer

Kim started running to lose the "baby weight" after her youngest turned 2. She fell in love with running, especially the half-marathon when she completed her first half (The KCM Half) in October of 2012. She enjoyed the race experience so much that she completed her second half just 4 weeks later. Since starting, Kim has completed 71 half marathons and over 50 5K & 10K runs and is a member of Half Fanatics. Kim's goal is to run to have fun and enjoy the journey.
Half Marathon PR: 1:57

Ziva P. - 2:40 pacer

Ziva Patt-Rappaport is a seasoned runner of more than 20 years! She started running in her 20s inspired by her big sister, 20 years older and yet faster runner. She started Running 5K's, then 10K then half marathons. One time, when an old boyfriend put her down for running "only" half marathons but not full, she decided to sign up for a full marathon. That was 16 years ago (and dumped said boyfriend, needless to say). She has run several other marathons since. She has even completed a half Iron Man 70.3 - 1.2 miles swim, 56 mile bike, and a half marathon run. Running has been a constant in Ziva's life, keeping her sane through marriage, child bearing, career changing, and otherwise.
Half Marathon PR: 2:04

2:45 SmartPace Teams

Rebecca H. - 2:45 pacer

Rebecca started running in 2009 because she had always been in awe of runners' athleticism. Soon after she had to take a year off due to a twin pregnancy, but managed to complete her first half marathon by their first birthday. Today she has three children, but still has completed many halves, several marathons, and a few ultras. She loves talking running and encouraging others, and hopes to see you at the race.
Half Marathon PR: 2:05

Candy H. - 2:45 pacer

Candy's passion for running started in the 80's when she ran cross country and track in college. After graduating, she still had that competitive drive so she began racing triathlons. Her racing background includes over 100 triathlons/duathlons, Chicago and Boston marathons, numerous road races at different distances, and five duathlon world championships. Candy works as a wellness coach and fitness instructor so she brings her passion for running and health to those she leads. She is inspired by people wanting to get into the running world. She loves encouraging first timers and seeing athletes of all abilities push themselves simply to improve on from where they began.
Half Marathon PR: 1:47

2:50 SmartPace Teams

Laura B. - 2:50 pacer

Laura's first 5k was in 2010 and then first half marathon in 2012. Since then she has completed 50+ Half Marathons and another 20+ 5k/10ks. She loves the post-run feeling after every race and getting to experience that feeling with first timers makes it even better! Laura has paced many friends to a successful finish and enjoys the full race experience. Steady pace, walk through each aid station, joking and smiling are all part of pacing with Laura. Laura knows we are all stronger than we think and gently encourages everyone to keep moving forward. "You can do it!"
Half Marathon PR: 1:57

2:55 SmartPace Teams

Sharon J. - 2:55 pacer

Sharon started running after having 3 kids and was "bitten" by the marathon bug. Sharon has completed 24 marathons (her favorite marathons are the NY marathon, Big Sur marathon and the Chicago Marathon, London Marathon, Berlin marathon), the Disney Dopey 48.6 mile challenge, One 50k, more than 200 half marathons locally, across the country and internationally, is a "Double Agent" (member of both the Half Fanatics and Marathon Maniacs national running clubs), KC Express Member, Team Beef member, Black Girls Run member, National Association of Black Marathoners member and a member of the 100 half marathon club. She looks forward to helping others reach their goals and possibly sharing the thrill of crossing the finish line with those that are new to running half marathons. Sharon uses a Galloway run/walk strategy which will allows for a fun, comfortable, strong finish.
Half Marathon PR: 2:19

3:00 SmartPace Teams

Ryne B. - 3:00 pacer

Ryne has always enjoyed running since he was young; however, he fell in love with distance running in 2016, when he ran his first half marathon. Since 2016, Ryne has ran over 25 half marathons and 10 marathons. Besides running, another way that Ryne like to keep in shape is by doing crossfit. When Ryne is not training for his next race, he works as an accountant and officiating softball, baseball, and basketball.
Half Marathon PR: 1:55

3:10 SmartPace Teams

Penny T. - 3:10 pacer

Penny's started out as a race volunteer turned runner in 2011. Penny got more serious with running in 2016 and has run over 30 marathons, as well as three 50k and two 50 milers. She has also completed over 135 half marathons, pacing over 30 races. She loves talking running/races and looks forward encouraging others to help reach their goals using the run/walk intervals Galloway method.
Half Marathon PR: 2:26

The Garmin SmartPacing Team

fueled by Picky Bars

Real [Good] Food. Built To Fuel.

Create a free Chase Chart to help friends and family find you on the course based on your finish time.
after you race, please come back and leave comments about your pacer, and complete a survey to help us improve.

SmartPacing is organized by The Runners's Edge in Kansas City and The Runners's Edge of the Rockies in Denver, with support from Races2Remember.com.